Finding The Facts ? Cosmetic Surgery | Jackie's Women's Interest ...
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It is an unfortunate fact that in today?s society there is a demand for attractive features in the workplace, in social circles, and in most everyday events. It is a well known fact that the more attractive the individual, the more chances for success are opened to them. Whether it is a hot topic for aggressive debate or a simple accepted fact of life, more and more people are turning to the art of cosmetic plastic surgery to perfect their imperfections.
While most cosmetic surgery is considered an elective procedure and is not covered under medical insurance, more and more insurance companies are covering at least part if not all of the cost of cosmetic procedures for what qualifies as disfigurement. The insurance companies themselves have realized, given the statistics, that reasonably attractive people typically have higher paying jobs and a higher quality of life, which overall reduces the costs of medical issues such as depression and obesity related health concerns.
Plastic surgery is a decision that requires not only a tremendous amount of consideration in regards to the personal body, but a huge decision when it comes to picking the right doctor. Deciding whether plastic surgery is the right personal decision can be daunting. Finding discomfort with a body part is normal, everyone has body image issues. If the image you have of yourself is grounded in accuracy and you weigh the risks carefully and decide that plastic surgery is right for you, it is now time to understand the steps of finding a good doctor.
The cosmetic plastic surgery industry has grown by over 50% in just the last five years. People are discovering the resources to change their outward appearance. It is important to remember that changing the outward appearance does not change the inner individual. Sometimes it?s just a new nose. Sometimes that new nose brings about an air of confidence that was previously lacking, and therein lies the emotional change that most are seeking.
There are many factors that go into finding the right cosmetic surgical practice. With cosmetic surgery centers becoming ever more popular, avoiding some basic pitfalls is becoming more difficult rather than easier. The doctor, their experience with the elected procedure, the risks associated with the procedure, and the expected recovery time and restrictions are some, but not all of the considerations one must face when determining if plastic surgery is right for them.
The right plastic surgeon makes all the difference. We have all seen the horror television shows of plastic surgery mistakes, and there?s not a single potential patient that doesn?t want to avoid that scenario. Choosing the right plastic surgeon is a process that requires research, time, patience, and often money.
Fortunately for those who have a want or a need for a plastic surgeon now have a resource to assist them in finding the right doctor for them. Beyond that, understanding cosmetic surgical procedures is equally as vital. Wouldn?t it be wonderful if you could research all your cosmetic surgery needs in one place?
At lifeplasticsurgery, a phenomenal resource website for understanding cosmetic procedures, physician practices, and general information regarding this life altering process. There are risks and benefits to all plastic surgery procedures. An informed consumer can typically make a better judgment concerning the risk benefit ratio.
Whether you are in search of a simple Rhinoplasty or a need for the correction of a disfigurement, not every plastic surgeon has the exact skills for every procedure. It may also be possible to find lower cost surgery for disfigurement, depending on the surgeon. In some cases it can be possible to find nearly no cost assistance for disfigurement plastic reconstructive surgery. Lifeplasticsugery is great place to start when deciding whether or not plastic and reconstructive surgery is right for you.
Aesthetic plastic surgery is a finite practice of skill, knowledge, and artistic quality. Most that have undergone cosmetic enhancement have been pleased with the physical results, but also with the impact it has had on their lives. As unfortunate as it may be, we live in a world where how you appear on the outside influences what people assume is on the inside.
Physical appearance plays a role in nearly every aspect of life. Beautiful people tend to land more attractive partners, have more friends, land higher paying jobs, and operate in the world with more self confidence. Whether this point is fair and right is irrelevant. We can not change the way the world views us, we can only decide how much impact it is going to have on our lives.
Those with physical deformities, whether birth defect related or accidental disfigurement, have an even harder time coping in a world where physical appearance affects so much in our daily lives. Unfair and often inaccurate determinations are made about a person?s intelligence when they are afflicted with a disability. Those who have experience the remarkable transformation of corrective plastic surgery have experienced a new world of options opened to them.
The articles included in Lifeplasticsurgery database are a breath of fresh air in their informative organization. Navigating the website is simple, and you can find information on various procedures such as nose jobs, tummy tucks, brow lifts and liposuction. There are also remarkably explicit and informative articles on most relevant subjects, including recovery. Recovering from cosmetic surgery is an area of expertise that quite often gets overlooked. In fact, so many cosmetic practices forget to periodically remind their patients that cosmetic surgery is in fact, surgery. It comes with the same risks as any procedure requiring anesthesia and requires a recovery period.
Any surgical procedure that alters the body is going to involve some amount of pain. There are a surprising number of patients who never consider this factor. Any surgical procedure that alters the body is going to require specific recovery restrictions and time to heal. It is paramount that it is understood prior to electing to have any cosmetic surgical procedure done that the recovery process is well understood and the expectations of the surgeon are realistic.
The patient who has a realistic understanding of the procedure to be performed as well as a high level of knowledge about the anticipated results and recovery is more likely to have a quality experience when it comes to plastic surgery. The patient that takes it upon him or her self to obtain the necessary knowledge to educate themselves runs a much higher likelihood of being completely satisfied with the results. The patient who pulls a random doctor from the phone book and has not educated themselves about the risks and the realistic outcomes is likely to be more dissatisfied with the results. As well, they are more likely to be in complete shock with the high level of pain they experience waking up from anesthesia.
It is important to realize that most cosmetic surgery physicians have not been patients. These procedures appear to the physician, in most cases, routine. Regardless of whether you?re having teeth pulled, your eyebrows lifted, or an entire reconstructive package, when it is your body it is never routine. The questions provided and the scope of the articles written on Lifeplasticsurgery give the potential patient a wonderful springboard for narrowing down different prospective doctors.
The education process associated with Life is illustrated in its rich topics, the news links, and the high quality physician and association links. The ease of the website?s use allows a potential patient to absorb quite a bit of information in a relatively short period of time. This allows the potential client to significantly improve their chances of finding the right plastic surgeon for them. And of course, a compatible plastic surgeon makes for a much more reasonable experience overall.
Lifeplasticsurgery is a valuable asset to the cosmetic reconstructive surgery industry. With open and honest reviews, facts and heartfelt relational opinions, it can assist the consumer in a vast array of life altering decisions. Plastic surgery can be an amazing, life altering experience that truly allows the patient to transform their life overnight. Lifeplasticsurgery is providing a platform to assist anyone wishing to embark on this journey a research field for high consumer knowledge.
The cosmetic surgery industry applauds web site sources such as lifeplasticsurgery. More knowledgeable patients make for easier communication between doctors and patients, as well as a better understanding of what the patient is requesting, based on their ability to articulate their knowledge and how it relates to their needs.
For anyone even just considering the possibility of altering their selves and their lives with the wonder of plastic surgery, Lifeplasticsurgery is an absolute on the list of resources recommended. The unbiased and informative articles, the ease of web site use, and its rock solid content are all consumer friendly top picks.
Whether you are looking for your tentative first procedure or are interested in multiple procedure long range reconstructive plans, the first step is to always find out who is out there, what they offer, how the procedures are performed, and what to expect. Just like everything else, knowledge in the reconstructive surgical field is the power to keep yourself safe and have an enjoyable experience.
To find out more about the subject and read more articles like this please visit.
Bobby Ryatt: writes articles and has a treasure chest of interesting information and resources on his web site, visit
Author: Bobby Ryatt
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Written by leading psychologists, psychiatrists, and plastic surgeons, this volume provides a thorough understanding of the psychological issues involved in reconstructive and cosmetic surgery. The book examines the relationships among physical appearance, body image, and psychosocial functioning, reviews the literature on the psychological functioning of plastic surgical patients, and offers clinically effective recommendations on psychological assessment and care of specific patient groups.
Major sections detail the psychological issues surrounding specific disfigurements and reconstructive procedures and cosmetic surgery of the face and body. These chapters include brief questionnaires for psychological assessment of patients. Concluding chapters discuss bioethical, professional, and legal issues.

Take your practice to the next level! Cosmetic Facial Surgery provides a highly illustrated, case-based approach to common face and neck procedures. In this full-color reference, internationally renowned surgeon Joe Niamtu III, DMD, covers techniques including brow, face, and neck lifts; nose, eye, and ear surgery; cosmetic surgery practice with discussions of the process of facial aging, diagnosing and consulting with patients, clinical digital facial implants; skin resurfacing; the use of neurotoxins; and the removal of skin lesions. The book also prepares you for photography, and anesthesia considerations. In a companion DVD, video clips feature Dr. Niamtu demonstrating key procedures addressed in the text.
- Comprehensive coverage includes the full range of surgical procedures from the upper face to the lower face/neck area.
- Over 3,000 full-color photos show surgical techniques and before-and-after shots of actual cases done by Dr. Niamtu.
- A DVD includes videos of procedures performed by the author, bringing complicated procedures to life.
- Accessible, easy-to-grasp descriptions, written in an engaging, first-person narrative, explain concepts based on real cases and on Dr. Niamtu's experience.

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